No app is good without feedback from its users. And Pika is useful today because you made it(mostly 😉)!
A lot of amazing users have suggested features and reported bugs to improve Pika, some of them are featured on the right →
I, Rishi, the maker of Pika, want to thank you and everyone who use Pika and helped improve it ❤️
Deep suggested macOS app for Pika and more
Sukh reported some bugs 🐞
Dmytro suggested the website as screenshot image feature
Surjith suggested addition of Open Graph aspect ratio
Stalin has made tons of suggestions over time which improved Pika a lot
Geekboy suggested option to resize canvas
Preshit suggested improved watermark UI and mobile screenshots from websites
Fajar suggested drag-n-drop images, social media sizes and more :)
Crisp is the chat widget on bottom-left, with it you can directly chat with me and ask any questions :)